Saturday, March 31, 2007

Young violinist Sergey Mamaev, Bloom Elementary School, Tucson, AZ, May 2006.
My album "The American Faces."

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Advertising Styles In The USA And Europe

By: Sergey Mamaev

What is advertising? Everybody knows. It is here, there and everywhere. People see approximately six hundred advertisements every day. A lot of books illuminate this many-sided topic, from Plato to the present time. I do not pretend to have performed complete research of this subject, I want to gossip pleasantly only my idle observations about advertising.

I want to compare two different styles of advertising. There is the American style and the European style. Basically, both of them have the same roots, the same foundations, because this science, the advertising science, is built upon psychological and economical laws. However, the science of advertising is applied to different societies, and because of this, we have various manifestations of the same essence of advertising.

What is the essence of advertising? What is the main purpose of it? Advertising aims to sell goods and services as quickly as possible. It helps to raise a profit. Advertising is an engine of business. I have in view only commercial advertising, not social or political. Thus, how does it work? Two-thousand four-hundred years ago Plato formulated five principles of a great orator, now called promoter, and his principles apply to advertising excellently.

will be continued . . .

About the Author: Sergey Mamaev is a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Expert, Internet Programmer and Webmaster/Designer; AzNet LLC Founder and CEO.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

An Actress

I took this photograph of an actress of saloon musicals in Old Tucson Studios.
My photograph album "The American Faces" was started at this point.
Thanks. Sergey Mamayev.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Internet Improve Our Lives

By: Sergey Mamaev

What is the Internet? Where did it come from? How does it change our word? I am sure that the Internet has a positive power and improves our life to better way. Progress has leaped forward. Evolution advances implacably and changes our environment and us.

The last greatest invention of the Twentieth Century was created in secret laboratories of the Pentagon and now it has a full availability for everybody who has a computer and a telephone. Everyone can connect to the World Wide Web from anywhere and get unlimited information resources. The Internet erases borders between states and people. There is equality between individuals and huge corporations. The Internet is the world of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity.

All this is not exactly true. Also the Internet is an instrument of wire frauds and hoaxes. It is a world of propaganda, lies, spam, and pornography. Everyone can upload to the Internet any content they want. Some people say “It is the real freedom of speech,” while others declare “It is not freedom of speech, it is anarchy!”

Without regard of negative sides of the Internet, it created the new era of business evolution. E-commerce is at the bottom of the rapid growth of the Internet. A lot of stores and services have opened their branches on the Internet and have additional revenue. A lot of new businesses were established on-line only. What kind of advantages does the Internet have for merchants and service providers?

In traditional commerce, a marketplace is a physical place you visit in order to transact. The consumer should go to some store to make a purchase. E-commerce is ubiquitous, meaning that is it available just about everywhere, at all times. Internet stores and services are available seven days a week and twenty four hours a day and make it possible to shop from a desktop, at home, at work, or from a car. From a consumer point of view, ubiquity saves money and time traveling to a market.

Today it is perfectly possible to operate a bank account, get a loan or mortgage, and buy insurance on-line. Everybody can compare several offers, prices, options of financial companies from their home computer and choose the best offer. Now customers can find out variety of price and features of goods or services in a market.

Today it is also possible to plan a journey or vacation using the Internet. It is very easy to find and reserve any hotel in any city of the world, simple to buy airline tickets, rent a car, and get maps and any instructions on-line. The Internet helps to research travel options, seek the best possible prices, and book cruises and tours.

E-commerce technology permits commercial transactions to cross cultural and national boundaries. The potential market size for e-commerce merchants is roughly equal to the size of the word’s population. A traditional store has customers from its neighborhood or city. An Internet store has millions of visitors. It is a global store or service and can attract an international audience.

According to Kenneth C. Laudon and Carol Guercio Traver “With e-commerce technologies, it is possible for the first time in history to easily find many of the suppliers, prices, and delivery terms of a specific product anywhere in the world, and to view them in a coherent, comparative environment. Although this is not necessarily realistic today for all or many products, it is a potential that will be exploited in the future.”

Internet commerce has a lot of other advantages. For instance, investors put up less capital for creating an Internet store then building real store, also less e-commerce store expenses of maintenance works and employees. An Internet store does not have shoplifting and wear and tear. It spends less electricity and other natural resources.

Usually employees of Internet stores and service providers are more professional, assure better consulting. Web site of an Internet merchant contains full information about products, uses various multimedia for advertising and advising.

The big part of e-commerce is online content or digital media. It focuses on the publishing and entertainment industries like software, books, newspapers, movies, and music. They are transformed from traditional media into Web forms. Today it is possible always to have the latest news from anywhere around the world. Per Newspaper Association of America “There are more than 5,000 online newspapers in the world, about 1,300 of these in the United States. About 70 millions Internet users regularly visit one of the top thirteen online newspaper sites.” Everybody can send and receive a letter by e-mail in second. Today is perfectly possible to download any music, books, TV channels, and movies to your computer from the Internet and enjoy. For example, in April 2000 Stephen King published a novella “Riding the Bullet’ as an “e-book.” About half a million downloads occurred in the first week, for a price of $2.5. Now advertises more than one million songs, 9000 titles of audio books for download. Digital media is the best product for sale trough the Internet because it is delivered immediately. The Internet media provider extends features of regular book and music stores. For instance, online consumers of Adobe Systems Incorporated can get the free 30 days tryout version of Adobe software before purchasing and then decide whether to buy or not. Any real software stores do not provide the same service.

The Internet got so fast explosion. It has changed our world. Progress is an irreversible process. The Internet has made our lives more simple. It gave us new unlimited information resources and entertainments. It helps us to save time and transforms our life to better way. The Internet discovers new horizons for science, business, education, and rest.

Viva Internet!

About the Author: Sergey Mamaev is a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Expert, Internet Programmer and Webmaster/Designer; AzNet LLC Founder and CEO.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

My portrait

This is my portrait - Sergey Mamaev, white male, 45 years old, was born in The Soviet Union (Serov City, Sverdlovsk Region), native language - russian, since 2000 lived in The USA, now the American citizen, education - MS EE, AAS Networking, Certificates, hobby - travel.

Партнёр в Азербайджане

Мы предлагаем партнёство компании или частному лицу из города Баку в области интернета на любых партнёрских условиях - от совместного предприятия до частной инициативы. Требование: компьютер и доступ в Интернет. Мы обеспечиваем тренинг. Знание английского, азербайджанского - желательно.

We need the partner in The Azerbaijan

We are looking for a company or a person in Baku City who understand the DNS concept for the WWW. A joint enterprise and/or a representation and/or any private initiative. We provide training. We speak russian. Requirements: computer and Intrnet access.

Hello Word!!!

I am starting my blog for a purpose. I try to promote myself, my name, and my business. Hello Word!!! I am here, in the Internet. My name is Sergey Mamaev and I am almost famous. The wide popularity is not the thing in itself and not my ultimate aim, but the method to achieve perfection. It does not matter 'who are you' or 'what do you do'. In all senses, only 'how are you' is the most important thing in my life. Blah, blah, blah, rubbish, bull shit. It is not true. The homespun truth will be letter. Thank you.